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Kankakee Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Kankakee organiser on: 2024-04-05



April 16, 2024

Friendly or Deadly?

A View into the Mysterious Lives of Fungi

Matthew's talk, Friendly or Deadly? A View into the Mysterious Lives of Fungi, promises to explain how fungi can be both friendly and deadly, and he will provide a window into the mysterious lives of these fascinating and important organisms. You might be surprised by how much you benefit from fungi in your everyday life. Come learn about what those mushrooms in the woods or on your pizza are doing out there in nature.  Learn how those splotches of color you see on trees and rock—lichens—are a mutualism between multiple organisms.  By exploring some of the diverse and exciting ways fungi interact with a wide range of organisms, Matthew will illustrate how fungi can be both friendly and deadly, and provide a window into the mysterious lives of these fascinating and important organisms.

Matthew is a Research Scientist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and a Lecturer at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has studied fungi for nearly 25 years and his research seeks to address questions surrounding the evolution of fungi and their interactions with other organisms, with an emphasis on lichen symbioses. Matthew is also the
President of the Illinois Mycological Association.

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The presentation begins at 6:30 pm at Brickstone Brewery in Bourbonnais. Green Drinks is an international organization consisting of local groups that meet monthly to discuss sustainable living and important environmental topics.  

Everyone is welcome and bring a friend. 

If you would like more information, contact Julie Larsen,